The Birth of Isla | Coit House Birth Center, Buffalo NY

Emilija and Correy desired an out-of-hospital birth from day one - so much so, that they were willing to drive an hour from their home near Rochester, NY to do so!

Emilija’s labor started early on a Sunday morning in October, with consistent cramping all day transitioning into more consistent contractions around 8:00pm that evening. She stayed in contact with her doula, Meghan of BDS, throughout until around 2:30am Monday morning when they decided it was time to head into Buffalo and get settled at the birth center, The Coit House. By 4:00am, the entire birth team was assembled and supporting Emilija through intense contractions. After laboring in the bathtub and shower, on a birth ball, in bed, standing and slow-dancing with her husband, and on a birth stool, she felt the first urges to push. After a few hours, at around 10:30am as the sun peeked out after a rain-filled morning, Emilija reached down and caught her baby and brought her to her chest. As a new family of three, Emilija, Correy, and Isla Rae curled up together in bed for the sweetest, uninterrupted golden hour snuggles.

Midwife/Birth Assistant: Maura Winkler and Ashley Fino, Fika Midwifery

Photographer: Jennifer Lombardo, Buffalo Doula Services

Doula: Meghan Warner, Buffalo Doula Services